Peter BennettsBuilder
Australian Insurance BuildersStatus
Built - 2020Client
Billy Kavellaris2022 Archdaily
Building of the Year – Nominee
2021 World Architecture Festival
House & Villa (Urban/Suburban) –
Completed Buildings
2020 Master Builders Victoria
Best Custom House over $2m – Winner
Architecture – Residential – Constructed – Gold
2020 IDEA Awards
Residential Single – Shortlisted
2020 IDEA Awards
Residential Decoration – Shortlisted
2020 IDEA Awards
Colour – Shortlisted
JARtB House reconnects the abandoned notion that
Art and Architecture are
s e p a r a t e
Part House and part Art Gallery
The synthesis of the two typologies are redefined into
a singular expression
A new hybrid is institutionalised
Art is used to connect, inform and program space
instead of program containing it
Art is not defined as ‘in’ or ‘on’ the building,
the building is the artefact
Architecture and Art cannot separated!
The building no longer seeks to establish
traditional notions of utility,
utility becomes functional residue,
a byproduct
Art moves beyond cultural expression
and becomes architectural syntax
Ornamentation becomes
more than architectural decoration,
more than Venturi’s Decorated Shed or Duck
JARtB House becomes the Alchemy of the
‘Decorated Duck’
expressed in an urban Neo Baroque paradigm
Tension, juxtaposition and opposition
are a central narrative throughout the proposal
which mediates and respond to the site’s eclectic contextual character
Collective individuality is celebrated and exploited
JARtB House’s intervention into its context
becomes a social and cultural act!
It is public art masquerading as a building in a residential setting
The building is a conversation
aggregated into a confluence of interstitial
and space
The theatre of visual poetry is the discourse
The house shifts from contrived reason and the
aesthetic assembly of material
into one of feeling and experience
incorporating visual and experiential culture
that evokes the sensors
A controlled chaos of interlocking
geometric forms sculpt the facade
to cultivate theatrical drama
The floating external polychromatic glass facade
penetrates through the concrete plinth to the spaces below
Outside in now Inside
The façade is redefined and internalised
Internal and external spaces are experienced simultaneously
External facades becomes
internal translucent frescos
A two way façade typology emerges
Non spaces of circulation are redefined
Into a delineated linear programmatic ‘strip’,
the ‘strip’ is anointed in pure white (the language of the ‘art gallery’)
traversing the entire length of the site envelope
The art gallery is born
Art becomes the crucible for
phenomenological experience
Double height spaces, interlocking volumes and visual links
are connected and narrated through Art
Art informs architecture and program
Art becomes an architectural element
Art now has utility
JARtB House becomes liveable art

Peter BennettsBuilder
Australian Insurance BuildersStatus
Built - 2020Client
Billy Kavellaris2022 Archdaily
Building of the Year – Nominee
2021 World Architecture Festival
House & Villa (Urban/Suburban) –
Completed Buildings
2020 Master Builders Victoria
Best Custom House over $2m – Winner
Architecture – Residential – Constructed – Gold
2020 IDEA Awards
Residential Single – Shortlisted
2020 IDEA Awards
Residential Decoration – Shortlisted
2020 IDEA Awards
Colour – Shortlisted
JARtB House reconnects the abandoned notion that
Art and Architecture are
s e p a r a t e
Part House and part Art Gallery
The synthesis of the two typologies are redefined into
a singular expression
A new hybrid is institutionalised
Art is used to connect, inform and program space
instead of program containing it
Art is not defined as ‘in’ or ‘on’ the building,
the building is the artefact
Architecture and Art cannot separated!
The building no longer seeks to establish
traditional notions of utility,
utility becomes functional residue,
a byproduct
Art moves beyond cultural expression
and becomes architectural syntax
Ornamentation becomes
more than architectural decoration,
more than Venturi’s Decorated Shed or Duck
JARtB House becomes the Alchemy of the
‘Decorated Duck’
expressed in an urban Neo Baroque paradigm
Tension, juxtaposition and opposition
are a central narrative throughout the proposal
which mediates and respond to the site’s eclectic contextual character
Collective individuality is celebrated and exploited
JARtB House’s intervention into its context
becomes a social and cultural act!
It is public art masquerading as a building in a residential setting
The building is a conversation
aggregated into a confluence of interstitial
and space
The theatre of visual poetry is the discourse
The house shifts from contrived reason and the
aesthetic assembly of material
into one of feeling and experience
incorporating visual and experiential culture
that evokes the sensors
A controlled chaos of interlocking
geometric forms sculpt the facade
to cultivate theatrical drama
The floating external polychromatic glass facade
penetrates through the concrete plinth to the spaces below
Outside in now Inside
The façade is redefined and internalised
Internal and external spaces are experienced simultaneously
External facades becomes
internal translucent frescos
A two way façade typology emerges
Non spaces of circulation are redefined
Into a delineated linear programmatic ‘strip’,
the ‘strip’ is anointed in pure white (the language of the ‘art gallery’)
traversing the entire length of the site envelope
The art gallery is born
Art becomes the crucible for
phenomenological experience
Double height spaces, interlocking volumes and visual links
are connected and narrated through Art
Art informs architecture and program
Art becomes an architectural element
Art now has utility
JARtB House becomes liveable art